Monday, October 16, 2006

Done with Chicago

Chicago was the first application I started working on and it took a great amount of effort. The first essay was a killer and it forced me to think through all the aspects like career progression, WHY MBA, career goals and why a particular school. But after hazaar iterations I am confident I have given it my best and have a convincing and punch packed story.

It helped me get my foundation right. This essay is still very different from that of most other schools, which have a 500 word limit. I am not surprised to see that writing the 500 one is turning out to be a great challenge. You got to touch on all aspects without exceeding the word limit and not compromising the content.

Next is Kellogg in line. lets see if I can make that to round one. Finding it really hard as of now, but then I aint giving up yet.


Anonymous said...

Good luck! :)

DesiGalNYC said...

Ah, sad to see Stern off your list. Good luck with the other applications!

Forrest Gump said...

so how did kellogg go ?

Anonymous said...

Hey, do you know if the stanford essay lengths (eg:Recommended length is 2-3 pages, double-spaced) are strict requirements?
My essays exceed this length.